With a supported browser, you can access your Yuzu eBooks by going to https://reader.yuzu.com.
Accessing eBooks
After you purchase a Yuzu eBook, go to yuzu.com and choose sign in then choose "Yuzu Barnes & Noble".
Sign in with the email you used to order the eBook. This should be the same as what you use to sign onto the bookstore's website. Select "Forgot Password" if you signed in as a guest, have never ordered from the website, or have forgotten your password and you will receive an email to reset your password. Log in to your Yuzu account and you will see the eBook in your library.
Accessing Publisher Courseware
Step 1 - Purchase your publisher courseware
from your bookstore's website. Note: Instructions for Cengage are different and provided in last section.
Step 2 - Go to yuzu.com and choose sign in then choose "Yuzu
Barnes & Noble". Sign in with the email you used to order the
digital content. This should be the same as what you use to sign
onto the bookstore website. Select "Forgot Password" if you
signed in as a guest, have never ordered from the website, or
have forgotten your password and you will receive an email to
reset your password. Once you have reset your password, log in
to your Yuzu account.
Step 3 - Click Reveal Access Code.
Step 4 - Follow the on-screen instructions and review the
Return Policy before revealing your code. Please confirm
that you have purchased the correct title before clicking
Reveal Access Code.
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